sexta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2013
Mandler, kokosnøtt og bringebær kake (gluten, sukker og melkefri)
I dag har vi en deilig kake som er baket med mandlermel, kokoskrem, kokosmelk og erythritol. Kaken passe bra til deg som kan ikke spise gluten, melk eller sukker. Kaken inneholder erythritol som inneholder ingen karbohydrater som tas opp av kroppen. Erythritol blir ikke benyttet som energi i kroppen, men utskilles ubrukt gjennom urinen og derfor passe bra til lavkarbo diet. Erythritol er en sukker alkohol laget fra fermentert drue sukker. Erythritol finnes naturlig i varer som melon, pærer, druer eller sopp.
"Erythritol kan ikke påvirker blodsukker eller insulinnivået i kroppen og i tillegg skader ikke tennene. Erythritol er det minste sukkeralkoholet og blir tatt opp nesten fullstendig (90%) i tynntarmen, og skilt ut uforandret. Andre sukkeralkoholene som xylitol, maltitol eller sorbitol for eksempel er større og derfor blir bare delvis absorbert i tynntarmen. De går derfor videre til tykktarmen, hvor de brytes ned av bakterier som produserer fettsyrer og gasser. Disse fettsyrene tas opp i kroppen som energi. I tillegg trekkes vann ut til tarmen (pga. osmotisk trykk), noe som kan føre til løs mage. Erythritol skiller seg altså fra de andre sukkeralkoholene ved at det hverken gir energi eller mageubehag ved normal bruk".
Mandler, kokosnøtter og bringebær kake
(sukkerfri, glutenfri og melkefri)
Original oppskrift finnesher
4 dl mandler mel
50 eller 60g erithrytol
2 store egg
100 gr kokoskrem
1 dl kokosmelk
2 dl bringebær
1 tsk baking pulver
1 tsk vanilje pulver
Visp kokoskrem og erythritol sammen i en skål. Rør inn egg, mandlermel, kokosmelk, vanilje pulver og visp det hele raskt sammen. Rør in baking pulver og rør litt mer. Hell røren over i formen. Legge bringebærene og kokosflaker på.
Stek kaken i 180ºC ovnen i 35-40 minutter. Sjekk at den er klar med trepinnetesten.
domingo, 8 de dezembro de 2013
Fullkorn Risgrøt med Mandel Melk (Vegansk)
Fullkorn Risgrøt (Melkfri-Vegansk)
Risgrøt er noe av de beste med Norsk Jul. Men risgrøt kan bli enda bedre laget med fullkornris. I denne oppskriften brukes fullkorn sushiris som passer like perfekt til risgrøt som til sushi eller risotto. Fullkornris tar lenger tid å koke derfor anbefaler vi at du koker risen i kokende vann først, og tilsatter melk etterpå.
4dl økologisk fullkorn grøt eller sushi ris
1 1/2 liter kokende vann
1 liter mandelmelk usøtet
4 dl kokosmelk
La risen kokes i vann til alt vann er fordampet (cirka 25-30 minutter). Tilsett mandelmelk, litt i gangen og rør til grøten er hel ferdig kokt. Hvis du vil kan du tilsette ekstra melk, denne gang kan du velge kokosmelk for ekstra god smak.
Serves med økologisk kanel fra Sri Lanka, Stevia dråper eller stevia sukker og kokoskrem. Du kan bruke økologisk Røros melk å lage vanlig fullkorn risgrøt.
sábado, 7 de dezembro de 2013
terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013
segunda-feira, 18 de novembro de 2013
White Dream Lyskjeder
White Dream lyskjede fra IB Laursen kan brukes heleåret. Vi elsker dem på...Lyskjede av 2,30cm med 10 lys, to designer, kantet
domingo, 17 de novembro de 2013
Vår Favoritt Adventsstaker
Vår favoritt adventsstaker: søte hvite emalje staker med sort detaljer. Kopper kan brukes som espresso kopper også. Sett av 4 koster bare NOK 99,.
quarta-feira, 1 de maio de 2013
Giveaway: and the winners are....
Endelig har vi vinnerne til vår Giveaway!
Vinner fra Facebook er:
Yvonne Hegge fra Stjørdal, gratulerer så mye Yvonne!!!
og vinner fra blogg er Nemi fra Trondheim og gratulerer så mye Nemi!!!!
Vinnerne må velge en av de to kurvene og sende det på eposten til
Dere kan komme og hente deres kurver i vår butikk i Hommelvik!!
Velkommen og gratulerer!
Følg med for ny spennende giveaway!
Liker du vanilje? Da må du anbefale siden vår på facebook ( = 1 Lodd), liker oss på facebook
(= 2 lodd) og bli medlem i vår blog (= 3 lodd) og du kan vinne deilig økologisk vanilje pulver i vintage House Doctor glass.
Trekning på 1 Juni!
sexta-feira, 12 de abril de 2013
Giveaway Kurver...
Doce Vika feirer 2 år og vi skal giveaway 2 av disse 2 kurver med produkter fra Løv Organic, Nicolas Vahé, Valrhona, Clearspring, Bjørka, Wilkin & Sons, Divine Sjokolade m.m. Vi skal trekk én vinner fra blogg meddlem + én vinner fra Facebook fans. Vinnerne kan velge en av de to kurvene.
Vinner må bo i Norge.
For å delta i vår giveaway hos blogg må du kommentar i dette innlegget.
Vi skal bruke lodd systemet på blogg og du kan få totalt 2 lodd:
1 lodd = kommentar i dette innlegget & fast følger
2 lodd = kommentar i dette innlegget & fast følger + link med bilde hvis du har blogg eller facebook siden.
Du kan også bli med vår Facebook giveaway klikk her.
Trekning 27 april.
Lykke til!
quinta-feira, 4 de abril de 2013
Doce Vika feire 2 år: Bli med på vår 2 giveaway
Doce Vika skal feire 2 år og vi skal giveaway 2 kurv med produkter fra Løv Organic, Nicolas Vahé, IB Laursen, Valrhona, Clearspring og Selbu Sjokolade. En vinner fra blogg meddlem + en vinner fra Facebook fans. For å delta i vår bursdag giveaway hos blogg må du kommentar i dette innlegget.
Vi skal bruke lodd systemet og du kan få totalt 2 lodd:
1 lodd = kommentar i dette innlegget & fast følger
2 lodd = kommentar i dette innlegget & fast følger + link med bilde hvis du har blogg eller facebook siden.
Du kan også bli med vår Facebook giveaway klikk her
Trekning 27 april.
Lykke til!
sábado, 23 de março de 2013
Mer av våre Påske Favoritter
Nicolas Vahé picnic kurv
Løv Organic Morgen Te
Bjørka Økologisk Sommer Honning fra Sparbu, Steinkjer Kommune, Nord Trøndelag
Nicolas Vahé mandler i hvit sjokolade egg
Terre d'Oc Japansk Genmaicha Te
EOS Sitron leppepomade med 15 SPF
Økologisk Fransk Sennep
Effervé Fransk Appelsin Lemonade
Forlife "Te for En" Tekanne sett
Cosmoveda Økologisk Ekstra Jomfru Kokosolje
Nicolas Vahé Valnøtter Marmelade
Ha en strålende Påske
domingo, 17 de março de 2013
segunda-feira, 11 de março de 2013
Ukefavoritter:Ekorrens Økologisk Godteri, EOS håndkrem, Lucuma pulver, Dr Bronner lavendel fastsåpe, House Doctor Oppbevaringsglass, Kukicha te, Gojibær i Mørk sjokolade, Kokosvann og m.m.
Svensk smågodt I Love My Bike fra Ekorrens Økologisk
EOS Blå Handkrem
Økologisk Lucuma Pulver
Dr Bronners Magic Soap Lavendel fastsåpe
House Doctor 125ml oppbevaringsglass
Japansk Kukicha te
Gojibær trukket i mørk sjokolade
Dr Martins økologisk kokosvann
Selbu Økologisk Sjokolade Med Norsk Særpreg
Santé Açai Lip Balm Økologisk
Cosmoveda Ekstra jomfru kokosolje
Raw Bite Økologisk Rå Kakao & Nøtter bar
quinta-feira, 7 de março de 2013
Afternoon tea favoritter
Forlife Q Tekanne 1,1L eller Folife Q Tekanne 700ml
IB Laursen Cottage Rose Tea for One sett
Doves Farm økologisk glutenfri kakao kjeks
IB Laursen Cottage Rose kopp
IB Laursen Cottage Rose tekanne
Løv Organic Wild Berry Fruit Tea
Stevia dråper naturell eller Stevia dråper vanilje.
House Doctor Bamboo tesjkeer
domingo, 3 de março de 2013
Doce Vikas Ukefavoritter
Nicolas Vahé hasselnøtter trøffel
IB Laursen melk glass
Økologisk brun sushi ris
Nicolas Vahé krydderblanding til kjøtt
IB Laursen piske skål mini
Harney & Sons grønn te med kirsebær blomster
IB Laursen Selma skål
House Doctor Five Star Kitchen Matboks Blå eller Rosa
Fleur de Sel de Guérande Fransk havsalt i lin poser
Ha en strålende uke!
segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013
segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013
Doce Vikas Ukefavoritter
Vår ukefavoritter:
Forlife Kaffé maker finnes her
Økologisk tomato chutney finnes her
Deilig silk japansk tofu finnes her
IB Laursen krus emaljen finnes her
Cosmoveda Harmoni Te finnes her
EOS sitron leppe pomade SPF15 finnes her
Japansk Søt Hvit Miso Pastefinnes her
Forlife Tea for Two finnes her
Creamy Økologisk Valrhona Andoa Lait finnes her
Løv Organic Wild Bery & Fruit te med Tanebær, Hibiscus & Nype Te finnes her
Forlife Stump Blå finnes her
IB Laursen Jumbo Kopp finnes her.
Special Article: Introduction to Toxic Oil: Why Vegetable Oil Will Kill You & How to Save Yourself by David Gillespie
This is the introduction of the recently released book Toxic Oil: Why Vegetable Oil Will Kill You & How to Save Yourself by David Gillespie, an Australian researcher who is also the author of the ground breaking books Sweet Poison: Why Sugar Makes us Fat Big Fat Lies: How the diet industry is making you sick, fat & poor. David has just released the introduction of the book and give me permission to reproduce the intro here. Hope you all enjoy it.
Toxic Oil: Why Vegetable Oil Will Kill You & How to Save Yourself
Author: David Gillespie
You can buy the book online here.
'Vegetable' oil makes you exceedingly vulnerable to cancer. Every mouthful of vegetable oil you consume takes you one step closer to a deadly (and irreversible) outcome. Every mouthful of vegetable oil you feed to your children is doing the same to them. You are eating 'vegetable oil' because it is much cheaper to make food with oils that are chemically extracted from plant seeds than it is to raise and slaughter an animal or grow a coconut tree. And you are being told to eat it for your health by nutrition advocates who have been successfully and thoroughly hoodwinked by the food industry.
I am not telling you this because I am a 'greenie', a conspiracy theorist or a herbal jerbal knit-your-own-food purveyor. I am telling you because if you knew this (and could prove it) and didn't tell me and my family, I'd be furious with you. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I have no formal training in human biochemistry or even chemistry. I am a lawyer and the only relevant skill I bring to the table is an ability to gather, understand and synthesise evidence. Science is based on people making hypotheses about how things might work and then collecting evidence that will prove them right (or wrong). Just like law, science should be all about the evidence. However, when it comes to the river of gold that is the processed food industry, evidence runs smack bang into commercial interest and, unfortunately for us, commercial interest generally wins out.
Two hundred years ago, humans ate approximately what they had been eating for the 10 000 (or in some cases 200 000) years prior to that. Where they lived (and how much money they had) affected the exact mix, but in general the diet was a mixture of vegetables, legumes and nuts, grains, meat, fish and an occasional fruit. Fish didn't have fingers back then and chickens hadn't learnt how to grow nuggets. The only fat you were likely to encounter was in a piece of meat (if you were fortunate) or, if you lived near the equator, in some tropical fruits (such as avocados and coconuts). Sugar was even rarer and could usually only be obtained after a protracted series of negotiations with stinging insects. If you think you still eat like that, then have a quick check of your pantry or fridge. If you find lots of boxes, tins and bottles with pictures of food on them, rather than actual food, then you need to read further. If all you find is cuts of whole meat, whole fruit and vegetables, whole grains (or flours), eggs and milk, then congratulations, you don't need this book. Put it down and continue to lead a healthy (and probably long) life.
You're still here? Well, let's get down to the purpose of this book. In my first book, Sweet Poison, I looked at what the science says about the sugar that has been added to all of our food in escalating quantities since the invention of commercial sugar production in the early 1800s. I documented the scientific evidence, now well established, which proves convincingly that the fructose half of sugar is a lethal addition to our diet. And I talked briefly about the measures my family had undertaken to find and remove it from our diet. By doing that I lost 40 kilograms and have kept it off effortlessly for the past nine years. In the follow-up book, The Sweet Poison Quit Plan, I set out the evidence behind my claim that fructose (and therefore sugar) is as addictive as nicotine, and provided a plan for how to break that addiction. The easy way to break it is to severely limit your food choices by, say, moving to a desert island where you can eat only coconuts. But most of us are faced with the daily reality of having to feed ourselves in a society where the food makers are not only filling our food with sugar but are actively trying to hide the fact. The Sweet Poison Quit Plan provides a guide to the modern Australian supermarket and a roadmap that helps the reader find sugar-free food in a forest of sugar-filled rubbish.
In Big Fat Lies, I started to examine the evidence on dietary fat. I had seen this evidence from the corner of my eye as I was reading about fructose. I knew that fat was not a dietary bogeyman once appetite control was restored (by removing fructose), but I had noticed that something similar to the sugar story had been happening in the world of fat.
The story of fat
Between 1820 and 1920, the world's population doubled (from 1 billion to 2 billion). Nothing like this had ever happened before. It took us a quarter of a million years to get to the first billion but the second billion came in just a century. Not surprisingly, our ability to feed everybody was being stretched to breaking point and prices for food – and particularly animal-based products – began an upward spiral. This in turn provided an incentive to come up with food-like products made from cheaper raw materials.
What is a vegetable oil?
We've been told that the secret to curing heart disease is to consume unsaturated vegetable oils rather than saturated animal fats. So now all the fats in our processed foods are labelled 'vegetable oil' and the labels are rarely more specific than that.
The irony is that there is no such thing as oil from a vegetable. The products being pushed as vegetable oils are in fact fruit oils (coconut, palm, olive or avocado), nut oils (macadamia, peanut, pecan, and so on) or seed oils (canola, sunflower, soybean, grapeseed or rice bran).
There's nothing much wrong with fruit oils and some nut oils are okay, too. But seed oils are extraordinarily dangerous. And unfortunately they make up almost all of the 'vegetable oils' in our food.
Humans are endlessly ingenious and when we applied that ingenuity to the problem of expensive animal fat and animal-fat products (like butter), a solution was quickly discovered. It turned out that if enough pressure and heat was applied, fats could be extracted from things that were otherwise going to waste (such as cottonseeds). Treated with the right chemicals, these fats could be made to look and behave just like the animal fats we had consumed for millennia. And just like sugar, these new, cheap fats made their way into our food supply. At first they were cooking fats and margarines, and then shortenings used in baked goods, but eventually they found their way into almost every food on the supermarket shelf, because there are very few foods that don't taste better with a little fat. In commerce, it is rare indeed to both do the cheapest thing and be seen to do the right thing. Dumping industrial waste into rivers is cheaper than disposing of it properly but no one will applaud you for doing it. Burning coal to make power is cheaper than building a solar energy plant but people will accuse you of failing to think about the environment. Using second-hand car parts is cheaper than using new ones but few people will thank you for it if you charge them for new. However, when it comes to edible oils, doing things the cheap way gets you a round of applause from the guardians of our nutritional health. Indeed, the Australian Heart Foundation and the Dietitians Association of Australia, to name two such groups, actively encourage us to consume products that use seed oils instead of animal fats (such as margarine in preference to butter). Their encouragement is based on evidence that could be described as flimsy at best, and there is significant evidence (documented in Big Fat Lies) which says exactly the opposite, but it does not force them to alter their industry-sponsored position.
In Big Fat Lies, I looked in detail at the insidious danger that lies in those man-made fats. Fructose is dangerous because our bodies are not genetically adapted to a diet that contains it in industrial quantities. And the same can be said for the polyunsaturated fats that dominate the oils extracted from seeds. Our extraordinarily complex biochemistry works on an assumption that we will have a very small quantity of these fats in our diet and that every other fat we consume will come from animals or other sources of saturated or monounsaturated fat (see page 16 for an explanation of the different types of fat). And that was a valid assumption before around 1800. But the recent replacement of almost all fats with their cheaper cousins has meant that it is now almost impossible to buy food that is not full of seed oil.
In chapter 1 of this book, I review the history of how we got to this point and look closely at the evidence supporting what I say about seed oils. If you've read Big Fat Lies, much of this will be familiar to you, although I have included more recent reviews of the evidence where available. I've also looked further into the damage that an excess of seed oils (and in particular omega-6 seed oils) can cause to our eyes and our immune systems. If you don't like science and are happy to accept that seed oils are something that should be avoided, feel free to skip to chapter 2.
For the past few years I've tried to avoid seed oils. Chapter 2 describes the results of my endeavours. It is easy to say that our food supply looks nothing like it did 200 years ago. But it's simply not possible for 7 billion of us (and counting) to live and eat the way 1 billion of us did then. If you want to eat whole food and nothing else then you're already avoiding both added fructose and added seed oils. But if, like me, you have neither the time nor the inclination to assemble everything you eat from scratch, then you need the research set out in this part. I go through each of the major categories of prepared food looking for the seed oils hidden within, and suggest which choices are best. In doing so, I am also keeping an eye on the fructose content. For most food categories, I provide you with a brand recommendation that contains the least possible fructose and the least possible seed oil. I also summarise my recommendations in the form of a sample daily menu (see chapter 3) and a consolidated list of the kinds of things you can eat. Sometimes, however, there is simply no viable choice, and that's when you'll need chapter 4 of the book.
In chapter 4, I set out recipes developed by my wife, Lizzie. We use most of these recipes – many of them on a weekly or even daily basis – to replace foods that cannot be purchased (easily) without seed oil or sugar. You won't find too many desserts in this section. (If that's what you want, you need the recipes in my book The Sweet Poison Quit Plan.) These recipes are for the savoury essentials – like fried food, mayo, pestos and spreads – that you will probably want if you plan to live without seed oil.
This is not a weight-loss book but it is a diet book. If you eat the way I suggest, you will lose weight (if you need to) because, besides cutting out seed oils, you will also avoid added sugar. Your appetite control will function the way it should and you will stop eating when you have sufficient energy (yes, it's that simple). You won't find me encouraging you to purchase purple pears grown on the south side of the hill and picked at midnight on a Tuesday. Or suggesting you supplement your food with potions and powders to enhance their nutritional value. Or telling you to count calories or exercise more. I will simply be telling you what not to buy if you want to live longer than you otherwise might (and look good while you're doing it).
Sugar has given us diabetes, dementia and obesity. And polyunsaturated fats have given us cancer. In just three generations, they've combined to give us heart disease and to create seemingly untreatable epidemics. Both were added to our diets in bulk long before ingredients were tested for their health impacts or safety. Take a look at the table on page 7. Just 200 years ago, barely any of these diseases existed at any significant level. Now almost every major chronic disease appears in the list. These diseases consume almost all of the Western world's health care budget, and the costs continue to grow more quickly than any nation can support. These diseases have raced from obscurity to epidemic proportions during a period when our health authorities have told us to replace animal fats with seed oil (and have ignored sugar). To this day they warn us against consuming animal fats, but it's difficult not to comply because animal fat is jolly hard to get. It's all gone. Barely a manufactured food now exists which has not had any skerrick of animal fat replaced with seed oils. My purpose in this book is to ensure that you are not another victim of the industrialisation of your food supply. I want to provide you with a seed-oil and sugar avoidance sat-nav for your local supermarket. If you do what I suggest, you will be doing all the wrong things, according to our health authorities. You'll be eating butter, drinking full-fat milk, chomping through bacon and eggs for breakfast and enjoying a meat pie for lunch. But if you do this, the science says you will significantly increase your chances of living a long and hopefully happy life.
Bon appetit!
Author: David Gillespie
You can buy the book online here.
Toxic Oil: Why Vegetable Oil Will Kill You & How to Save Yourself
Author: David Gillespie
You can buy the book online here.
'Vegetable' oil makes you exceedingly vulnerable to cancer. Every mouthful of vegetable oil you consume takes you one step closer to a deadly (and irreversible) outcome. Every mouthful of vegetable oil you feed to your children is doing the same to them. You are eating 'vegetable oil' because it is much cheaper to make food with oils that are chemically extracted from plant seeds than it is to raise and slaughter an animal or grow a coconut tree. And you are being told to eat it for your health by nutrition advocates who have been successfully and thoroughly hoodwinked by the food industry.
I am not telling you this because I am a 'greenie', a conspiracy theorist or a herbal jerbal knit-your-own-food purveyor. I am telling you because if you knew this (and could prove it) and didn't tell me and my family, I'd be furious with you. I am not a doctor or a nutritionist. I have no formal training in human biochemistry or even chemistry. I am a lawyer and the only relevant skill I bring to the table is an ability to gather, understand and synthesise evidence. Science is based on people making hypotheses about how things might work and then collecting evidence that will prove them right (or wrong). Just like law, science should be all about the evidence. However, when it comes to the river of gold that is the processed food industry, evidence runs smack bang into commercial interest and, unfortunately for us, commercial interest generally wins out.
Two hundred years ago, humans ate approximately what they had been eating for the 10 000 (or in some cases 200 000) years prior to that. Where they lived (and how much money they had) affected the exact mix, but in general the diet was a mixture of vegetables, legumes and nuts, grains, meat, fish and an occasional fruit. Fish didn't have fingers back then and chickens hadn't learnt how to grow nuggets. The only fat you were likely to encounter was in a piece of meat (if you were fortunate) or, if you lived near the equator, in some tropical fruits (such as avocados and coconuts). Sugar was even rarer and could usually only be obtained after a protracted series of negotiations with stinging insects. If you think you still eat like that, then have a quick check of your pantry or fridge. If you find lots of boxes, tins and bottles with pictures of food on them, rather than actual food, then you need to read further. If all you find is cuts of whole meat, whole fruit and vegetables, whole grains (or flours), eggs and milk, then congratulations, you don't need this book. Put it down and continue to lead a healthy (and probably long) life.
You're still here? Well, let's get down to the purpose of this book. In my first book, Sweet Poison, I looked at what the science says about the sugar that has been added to all of our food in escalating quantities since the invention of commercial sugar production in the early 1800s. I documented the scientific evidence, now well established, which proves convincingly that the fructose half of sugar is a lethal addition to our diet. And I talked briefly about the measures my family had undertaken to find and remove it from our diet. By doing that I lost 40 kilograms and have kept it off effortlessly for the past nine years. In the follow-up book, The Sweet Poison Quit Plan, I set out the evidence behind my claim that fructose (and therefore sugar) is as addictive as nicotine, and provided a plan for how to break that addiction. The easy way to break it is to severely limit your food choices by, say, moving to a desert island where you can eat only coconuts. But most of us are faced with the daily reality of having to feed ourselves in a society where the food makers are not only filling our food with sugar but are actively trying to hide the fact. The Sweet Poison Quit Plan provides a guide to the modern Australian supermarket and a roadmap that helps the reader find sugar-free food in a forest of sugar-filled rubbish.
In Big Fat Lies, I started to examine the evidence on dietary fat. I had seen this evidence from the corner of my eye as I was reading about fructose. I knew that fat was not a dietary bogeyman once appetite control was restored (by removing fructose), but I had noticed that something similar to the sugar story had been happening in the world of fat.
The story of fat
Between 1820 and 1920, the world's population doubled (from 1 billion to 2 billion). Nothing like this had ever happened before. It took us a quarter of a million years to get to the first billion but the second billion came in just a century. Not surprisingly, our ability to feed everybody was being stretched to breaking point and prices for food – and particularly animal-based products – began an upward spiral. This in turn provided an incentive to come up with food-like products made from cheaper raw materials.
What is a vegetable oil?
We've been told that the secret to curing heart disease is to consume unsaturated vegetable oils rather than saturated animal fats. So now all the fats in our processed foods are labelled 'vegetable oil' and the labels are rarely more specific than that.
The irony is that there is no such thing as oil from a vegetable. The products being pushed as vegetable oils are in fact fruit oils (coconut, palm, olive or avocado), nut oils (macadamia, peanut, pecan, and so on) or seed oils (canola, sunflower, soybean, grapeseed or rice bran).
There's nothing much wrong with fruit oils and some nut oils are okay, too. But seed oils are extraordinarily dangerous. And unfortunately they make up almost all of the 'vegetable oils' in our food.
Humans are endlessly ingenious and when we applied that ingenuity to the problem of expensive animal fat and animal-fat products (like butter), a solution was quickly discovered. It turned out that if enough pressure and heat was applied, fats could be extracted from things that were otherwise going to waste (such as cottonseeds). Treated with the right chemicals, these fats could be made to look and behave just like the animal fats we had consumed for millennia. And just like sugar, these new, cheap fats made their way into our food supply. At first they were cooking fats and margarines, and then shortenings used in baked goods, but eventually they found their way into almost every food on the supermarket shelf, because there are very few foods that don't taste better with a little fat. In commerce, it is rare indeed to both do the cheapest thing and be seen to do the right thing. Dumping industrial waste into rivers is cheaper than disposing of it properly but no one will applaud you for doing it. Burning coal to make power is cheaper than building a solar energy plant but people will accuse you of failing to think about the environment. Using second-hand car parts is cheaper than using new ones but few people will thank you for it if you charge them for new. However, when it comes to edible oils, doing things the cheap way gets you a round of applause from the guardians of our nutritional health. Indeed, the Australian Heart Foundation and the Dietitians Association of Australia, to name two such groups, actively encourage us to consume products that use seed oils instead of animal fats (such as margarine in preference to butter). Their encouragement is based on evidence that could be described as flimsy at best, and there is significant evidence (documented in Big Fat Lies) which says exactly the opposite, but it does not force them to alter their industry-sponsored position.
In Big Fat Lies, I looked in detail at the insidious danger that lies in those man-made fats. Fructose is dangerous because our bodies are not genetically adapted to a diet that contains it in industrial quantities. And the same can be said for the polyunsaturated fats that dominate the oils extracted from seeds. Our extraordinarily complex biochemistry works on an assumption that we will have a very small quantity of these fats in our diet and that every other fat we consume will come from animals or other sources of saturated or monounsaturated fat (see page 16 for an explanation of the different types of fat). And that was a valid assumption before around 1800. But the recent replacement of almost all fats with their cheaper cousins has meant that it is now almost impossible to buy food that is not full of seed oil.
In chapter 1 of this book, I review the history of how we got to this point and look closely at the evidence supporting what I say about seed oils. If you've read Big Fat Lies, much of this will be familiar to you, although I have included more recent reviews of the evidence where available. I've also looked further into the damage that an excess of seed oils (and in particular omega-6 seed oils) can cause to our eyes and our immune systems. If you don't like science and are happy to accept that seed oils are something that should be avoided, feel free to skip to chapter 2.
For the past few years I've tried to avoid seed oils. Chapter 2 describes the results of my endeavours. It is easy to say that our food supply looks nothing like it did 200 years ago. But it's simply not possible for 7 billion of us (and counting) to live and eat the way 1 billion of us did then. If you want to eat whole food and nothing else then you're already avoiding both added fructose and added seed oils. But if, like me, you have neither the time nor the inclination to assemble everything you eat from scratch, then you need the research set out in this part. I go through each of the major categories of prepared food looking for the seed oils hidden within, and suggest which choices are best. In doing so, I am also keeping an eye on the fructose content. For most food categories, I provide you with a brand recommendation that contains the least possible fructose and the least possible seed oil. I also summarise my recommendations in the form of a sample daily menu (see chapter 3) and a consolidated list of the kinds of things you can eat. Sometimes, however, there is simply no viable choice, and that's when you'll need chapter 4 of the book.
In chapter 4, I set out recipes developed by my wife, Lizzie. We use most of these recipes – many of them on a weekly or even daily basis – to replace foods that cannot be purchased (easily) without seed oil or sugar. You won't find too many desserts in this section. (If that's what you want, you need the recipes in my book The Sweet Poison Quit Plan.) These recipes are for the savoury essentials – like fried food, mayo, pestos and spreads – that you will probably want if you plan to live without seed oil.
This is not a weight-loss book but it is a diet book. If you eat the way I suggest, you will lose weight (if you need to) because, besides cutting out seed oils, you will also avoid added sugar. Your appetite control will function the way it should and you will stop eating when you have sufficient energy (yes, it's that simple). You won't find me encouraging you to purchase purple pears grown on the south side of the hill and picked at midnight on a Tuesday. Or suggesting you supplement your food with potions and powders to enhance their nutritional value. Or telling you to count calories or exercise more. I will simply be telling you what not to buy if you want to live longer than you otherwise might (and look good while you're doing it).
Sugar has given us diabetes, dementia and obesity. And polyunsaturated fats have given us cancer. In just three generations, they've combined to give us heart disease and to create seemingly untreatable epidemics. Both were added to our diets in bulk long before ingredients were tested for their health impacts or safety. Take a look at the table on page 7. Just 200 years ago, barely any of these diseases existed at any significant level. Now almost every major chronic disease appears in the list. These diseases consume almost all of the Western world's health care budget, and the costs continue to grow more quickly than any nation can support. These diseases have raced from obscurity to epidemic proportions during a period when our health authorities have told us to replace animal fats with seed oil (and have ignored sugar). To this day they warn us against consuming animal fats, but it's difficult not to comply because animal fat is jolly hard to get. It's all gone. Barely a manufactured food now exists which has not had any skerrick of animal fat replaced with seed oils. My purpose in this book is to ensure that you are not another victim of the industrialisation of your food supply. I want to provide you with a seed-oil and sugar avoidance sat-nav for your local supermarket. If you do what I suggest, you will be doing all the wrong things, according to our health authorities. You'll be eating butter, drinking full-fat milk, chomping through bacon and eggs for breakfast and enjoying a meat pie for lunch. But if you do this, the science says you will significantly increase your chances of living a long and hopefully happy life.
Bon appetit!
Author: David Gillespie
You can buy the book online here.
domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013
Smaksprøver av Løv Organic Økologisk Te & Sjokolade
Vi elsker te. Økologisk te er perfekt drikke til disse ekstra kalde dager i Februar.
I Februar serverer vi daglig deilige smaksprøver av noe av Løv Organic Wild Berry & Fruits.
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